If you are not aware, i work in a bakery. And at this bakery, we make scones.
One particular customer, lets be nice and call her bitch face, decided to have a hissy fit about a scone.
Firstly, it was the shape. It wasn't perfect. According to her, it didn't look right. but it COULDN'T have been the fact that all the scones are joined together, OH NO, it just wasn't adequate for bitch face. This was... tolerable to say the least, i've had worse complaints.
So being the kind person i am, i swapped the god damn scone for her.
After sulking of, as bitch faces do, she shortly returned. Clearly me suffering once wasn't satisfying enough. Greedy Bastard.
THIS time, the scone wasn't cooked properly. it was "raw". A customer who had been at the store for... 2-3 minutes, apparently knew more than I, who has been working there for three years. But oh no... COINCIDENTALLY, the 1 scone of the 24 that had already been sold was raw.
I think not.
And i have taken this to heart because of two reasons.
ONE. do people go out of their way to piss you off? REALLY. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CARE WHAT THE SCONE LOOKS LIKE. you're just going to eat it anyway! And NO ONE else complained about the scones. What makes you so god damn special? They have been made the same for 365 days!
TWO. if the scones aren't right, don't whinge to me! Does it look like i know how to make a scone? NO! i don't make... i just sell the bread.
yours scone-ly,
the inexperienced blogger

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