So i'm kind of loving the fact that you aren't getting what you want, WHEN you want it.
I think you have issues. No, really... i'm pretty sure you should go talk to a psychologist and get that shit checked out. You have a mental disorder.
Symptoms consist of:
a) Power trip
b) insecurity
c) hypocrisy
d) feelings that you are king shit
e) referring to others as "worthless pieces of shit' with which they 'hope you end up alone'.
Which is quite odd actually, considering that umm, YOU broke up with HIM... used to complain to me that he wants you back so badly. Bad news sweetie pie. He has seen your true colours.
Along with half the school populations. (ouch, that's gotta hurt)
Who are you to tell someone that they are worthless?
Who are you to tell someone that they will end up alone?
How can you live with yourself SAYING these things to others without provocation?
Oh wait, there WAS provocation...
The fact that your ex boyfriend chose me over you. HAAA! BURN!
And now, what are you trying to do...?
become close to all MY friends to make me jealous.
The saying goes "If you give someone enough rope, they will eventually hang themselves"
So, you want to play the game.. FINE let's play the game. But the funny thing is, is that you ACTUALLY think people like you.
The people you are fighting for attention from KNOW what you're really like. ( lol ).
ahhh. sighs of relief.
yours always
the inexperienced blogger
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