Monday, June 21, 2010

The incoherence of the male mind

This is a collaborative work between myself and one R. Cuschieri.
We have stood back as completely objective third parties, looked at our similar situations and said "what the fuck?"
Not all boys, but OUR boys, are complete... I'm trying to think of a word which serves them justice... DICKS! Yep, that's the word i was looking for. Complete and utter cocks. They are both;
Sans balls
Piss weak
Afraid to commit

We have given them chances on numerous occasions. We have given them the chance to prove themselves. naively thinking... no, hoping that they will change. A man will and always be who they are.
But is this old philosophy of 'boys will be boys' really applicable.
Well, yeah. We know boys will be boys.
But, can we not object? What about us?
If boys are boys, then girls are girls
and cat's are cat's, tree's are tree's, fish are fish... they are what they are.
Fish cannot be trees. And similarly, cat's cannot be fish.
So, boys will not change who they are. But why should we need to be the ones making all the changes. Girls are girls too.
But girls take on multiple roles.
Girls are not just girls.
girls can be whatever they need to be.
WE make the changes. WE make them all for the boys. How is this fair i hear you ask?
Fucked if i know.

The male mind confuses me. Confuses us. You confuse me.
Yet we linger, waiting, hanging for your reply. Anything...

But, we only want to know one thing...
We are trying here, we gave you the chances. You used and abused them. You have proven us right and yourselves wrong.
That your mind is incoherent, and that you have an inability to change. I'm pretty sure we already knew this deep down.

So, we just want a yes or no answer
Its simple
You won't feel a thing


because we are tired of waiting for you. And, to be honest, i don't really think we should have to wait for you to make up your mind.
We are independent young females.
and we say

go fuck yourself. Because we are through with you.
This is our theory.
The incoherence of the male mind

Yours philosophically,
the inexperienced blogger

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