Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I have invented, well actually "modified" a pre-existing acronym known as FML. For all those people with lives and are unaware of this jargin, it means Fuck My Life.
I have cleverly changed this to read the plural.
Fuck Our Lives.
It could only have taken a genius to work it out, but yes.
Here is my story...
I arrive home from school, as you do, and find my phone going bezzerk on my bench. Curiously, i checked my phone to find the following message...
So i'm having an awesome day.
Exams are finished and i can sorta relax.
I giddily get into the drivers seat of my car,
and there's a fucking parking fine on the window.
How is his fair? REALLY. She was ONLY parked there for eight hours! give her a breakkkkkk!
Anyways, so i chose the picture above for a particular reason. A reason which i will mention now. Karma.
No, i am not using this picture to be vindictive, because what kind of punishment is it? really!
I chose this picture because this is what i would imagine Karma would look like... that is of course if Karma was a person. But she looks incredible.
She looks dangerous, like Karma is...
I for one believe FULLY in Karma.
It will turn on you and bite you in the ass. Note to all; DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT ever wish for someone to get a giant pimple in the middle of their forehead, because you will either get one on your chin, or become ill.
yours with bad karma,.
the inexperienced blogger,