Sunday, July 18, 2010

The end of so much more.

End of freedom.
Or a year 12 version of freedom. But whatever, i'll take what i can get.

So in aprroxiamately 1 hour and 50-ish minutes, my freedom will be ripped from me, and i will be back to Bonnyrigg's public hell hole. Snaps for Ashleigh...

So, how does one spend their last day of holidays?
If you were smart, you would take it easy. Eat a bit, sleep a bit, watch a couple movies. Basically ENJOY your last day to bludge guilt free.
But me, i shall be the representative of the minority known as the 'douches'.
No, i did not sleep in. I worked.. but yes, i did eat (of course), and a little nana nap, purely for procrastination purposes only. But, i finally decided at 5pm that i should start my homework. Yes, i am that person who has 2 weeks to finish their homework, but chooses to complete it on the last day. I tell myself the pressure makes me motivated.. hmm.
Naively, i under budget for time, leaving this blog approxiamately 2.5 hours behind schedule. Way to start the term Ash.
Anyways, considering i have not blogged for an exaggerated 10 years, i will fill in my handful of readers about my not-so-holiday, holiday. Actually, to save everyone some time, i'll sum it up in a few key words.
Something that should have taken 5 minutes to describe, has just been done in 4 simple words.
I know what you're thinking, gosh Ashleigh, you are SO lucky to have such awesomely awesome holidays. Well, let me just say, i know right!
But, somehow in between my almost life, i managed to squeeze in one movie and a shopping trip. So, i guess my holidays were epic... in conjunction with a few other words... take it as you please.
And, like any other holiday, i have unintentionally gone over my phone cap... AGAIN. I am actually quite anxious for this one... Oh well, shit happens. Just thought i'd subtly throw this in here too, I now own Amy Meredith's album, which just happens to be signed by 3 of the 5 band members.

So, final hour of freedom. I am going to squeeze the life out of the little sucker, facebook to my hearts content, chat all night long, and be nice and tired for the morning.

And so, school begins.

Welcome back to purgatory motherfuckers.

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