Friday, October 15, 2010

drawing conclusions

And here is my conclusion for the day...
It's about stereotyping, in particular a certain TV program involving the beauty's and the geeks.
You see, here's my issue. (More so about the beauty's than the geeks)

Issue numero uno:
I find it rather degrading that these socially dehydrated males, perhaps the first time ever speaking to a person in the bodily form of a female, are subjected to these hopeless, not to mention completely idiotic and numb-skulled, bimbos.

Issue numero due:
Does this mean that to be a beauty, one which is acceptable to the media, they have to posses such a disposition? (refer to idiotic and numb-skulled)
Or even, to be a "beauty", you need to be completely brainless? Hmmm...

What irks me the most is that these are all females, all of the same kind- Blonde hair, possibly illiterate and have an AMAZING ability to store silicon in their breasts. Is this what it means to be beautiful? Where are all the smart girls??

Smart girls are beautiful too, god dammit!

This is a misrepresentation of females. And now I feel slightly feminist...

Oh yeah, I finished two HSC exams already. The light at the end of that long tunnel is dim... but still visible :)

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