Sunday, November 7, 2010


Watched the ARIA's tonight... I must say, I was a little disappointed. Not only did the hosts do a pretty crappy job, considering I only knew half of them, but their attempts to "rev" up the audience were somewhat pathetic. I did feel a little bad for some of the socially awkward* celebs and muso's (i.e: Lara Bingle, who should stick to modelling and Angus & Julia Stone, who were amazing, but had eaten too much humble pie).

My favourite performances were Washington, Birds of Tokyo (who sounded AMAZING live), Angus & Julia Stone (although the xylophone got to me after a while) and Guy Sabastian (who sang AWESOME, although his eyebrows still scare me a little... but he was still wow!)

One day I might go to the ARAIA's...


note*- I have also decided that I am a very socially awkward human being too. Many people just don't get me...

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